Singles Looking For The Holy Grail In Free Dating Apps Like Badoo: We’ve Got You Covered

Free dating apps are chock-a-block all over the web, and singles can easily get lost among the plethora of choices which exist. They know they want dating apps free to use, that are popular, will work on their smartphones and will help them find other singles in their area. We’ve done the grunt work to meet the demands of singles who want to find free dating apps like Badoo. And for reasons, we discuss below.

best dating app


Badoo is a mobile dating app free to use and claims upwards of 330 million users currently. It prominently features a geo-locator tool to help users search for singles close by. Using this invaluable resource singles can find people to hook up, date, and become friends with.

During the registration process, you have a choice to sign up either by answering some easy, basic questions, or link your Badoo account to social media sites.

To keep up with the current trend of video features populating other dating apps, Badoo has added video chat to its arsenal. Video chat overrides the text tool, encouraging users to experience the visual vibrancy of live chat increasing in popularity on free dating apps like Badoo.

A massive user base, social media linkups, and live chat are all good reasons to sign up on Badoo.
Yet Badoo, popular though it is, has competitors nipping at its heels, most notably Zepeel, a newcomer to the mobile video dating app market, and a free dating app like Badoo.


A dating app free to use and a free dating app like Badoo, Zepeel is counting on its video-only platform to eventually amass a huge user base in the U.S. and beyond.

Aesthetically Zepeel’s mobile app has a strong visual appeal, with a fresh, clean, and simple user interface. Sign up is so simple it’s almost laughable. When you open the app, it prompts you to log in with your Facebook account, good for authentication purposes. Once on the app, you’ll find three icons: settings, matches, and search preferences. Navigating these areas, you’ll find the simplicity of use, nothing complicated.

The three video tools composing Zepeel are video profile clips, video messaging, and live video chat. The idea of these video features is simple: you engage in a virtual-reality courtship. The 30-second video clip is your introduction to user members. Singles will know within seconds if the user profile they’re viewing interests them enough to tap on the plus button. This action lets the other member know they’ve been liked. And the message acts like an icebreaker.

Once a connection is made, members can send each other video messages. As the process of getting to know one another gathers steam, the final step is going on a live video chat. Here you’ll experience a virtual-reality first date, and find out if you two really click. If you don’t mesh, you’ll just move onto the next potential match, saving time and money you’d have had to spend on an in-real-life date.


This free dating app like Badoo is female-driven, which means women get to do the pursuing. Bumble rivals Badoo in its usership, averaging just over 5 million visitors per year. It ranks high as an iOS app, #1 on the App Store.

Last year in order to keep up with the competition, Bumble launched BumbleVID. A user can record any number of 10-second videos inside the Bumble app. The videos which appear on user profiles, connections and conversation pages self-destruct after 24 hours. One condition exists to use BumbleVID and that is users must be photo-verified.
So, there you have it, our recommendations for the two best free dating apps like Badoo we’ve researched and found worthy of your attention.



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