Heads Up Party Animals: Video Chats and Messages are All the Rave

Video chat and its sister, video message, are the latest advancements in online dating technology. You don’t need to mess around with standard texting. Get into the swing of things and discover how much faster and easier it can be to visually communicate with other singles in the online dating community. It’s blast-off time to discover both the best video messaging apps and best video chat apps


Although Skype is the dinosaur of video calling software it’s still one of the best video chat apps.
Skype was invented for video chatting and has been the godfather to all subsequent video chat apps flooding the market today. To stay abreast of emerging trends, it now offers video messaging with the high-quality video we’ve come to expect from Skype.

Google Hangouts

Convenience is what makes Hangouts so popular. You want to video message or chat? S-o-o-o easy. You just import contacts from your Gmail account, plug them in, and you’re video chatting or messaging immediately. The video is high-quality HD, and works with your browser, prompting your computer webcam and microphone hardware to kick in.


Who doesn’t know about Snapchat, the photo-sharing app? But if you haven’t tried it yet, you must. Because it has added more functionality with video messaging and video chatting. A valuable feature of this updated platform is anything you send: photos / videos / messages will self-destruct to protect your privacy.

Wickr Me

This video messaging and chatting app is privacy-centric. Its messaging and chat software is encrypted, and members can choose when messages will disappear. Secure Shredder is another privacy feature to wipe all your data for recovery-prevention. A feature like Secure Shredder certainly makes Wickr Me a best video messaging app.


This messaging and video chat app is also committed to security and privacy. Every time you boot up the app a freshly-generated Threema ID key is provided for anonymity’s sake while on the platform. If you want you can link the app with your cell or email. Video messaging uses NaCl encryption so your activities remain protected, one reason Threema makes the best video chat app list.

We Chat

This video chat and messaging app is entering the global marketplace, vying for world domination with its messaging and group chat features. It’s gotta be on the hit parade list of best video chat apps. Want to find new friends to chat with? Friend Radar and People Nearby tools will hook you up.


Line is a party app, meaning video chats can accommodate as many as 200 people. Line is always abuzz with the latest celebrity gossip, due to partnering companies that provide users with the latest hookup, scandal, or fall from grace news. With an app this fun you can bet it’s among the best video chat apps. 


Zepeel is poised to become not only the best video messaging app but also the best video chat app. It has hit the ground running, determined to make you a star. Hair and makeup? Wardrobe? You’ll do all that when you create a star-making, captivating video. You’ll soon have suitors video messaging—and if one of the chosen—a live video chat with you. You’ll be the star in your own life when you use Zepeel.


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